ICO Road Maps, Worth Anything?

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Luckily, I’m getting good feedback on the articles written about cryptocurrencies and I’m still not boring anyone (yay!)

Some questions that have come up in e-mails are, how much can you assess an ICO based on what they promise in the road map. In other words: can you trust the road map or is it just talk?

Guys…that is the million dollar question. If you can answer that, don’t you have the rest figured out?

Anyway, I will try and give you my 2 cents on this matter, and whether you can trust company’s road maps. First things first: do a total evaluation of the company. Look into eye opening reviews only AFTER you have formed your on opinion. Don’t take the lazy route of seeing YouTube videos that are evaluating companies. A lot of those videos are backed by the ICOs themselves, so please do your own research.

After you’ve spent a decent amount of time though getting your facts in order, then do look at a few reviews. It’s kind of like getting a second opinion for a health issue. You have that one core opinion, but you are always looking to see if you’ve missed something. Treat the evaluation of your ICOs as a medical issue: do a great assessment on your own, and then ask for a second opinion either from piers or even infuencers in the industry that talk about them.

Back to the road map conversation: any company that sketches out a plan, is most likely not going to follow it to every single point. Not because they are necessarily incompetent (well, that too) but simply because when there is no product, you have no absolute idea how people are going to react to it. So that means a bunch of modifications along the way. That messes up the road map in a great way!

So what can you do? Well, if there is some kind of itchy bitchy product that is in existence, that is super important. Because if anything, at least there is a timeline based on reality. The more a company has figured out their components (product, marketing methods, clientele) the more accurate their plans will be. But the more a company is in its vision stage, the less accurate the plan will actually be. It’s that simple. Now, the management team is important and will determine a lot of the company’s success no matter what. But having something in existence is a huge gain for both the company and its token investors.

As always, I will speak about Rentberry being a top choice you should consider. They have an ambitious road map, but also huge progress in only 2-3 years. So the more they fulfill their vision, the more I can trust that they will meet each and every point of their own road map. You can find the road map in their white paper and website: https://rentberry.cryptonomos.com/